MSPO In A Deforestation-Free Palm Oil Supply Chain

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Criticism on Green Labels Shows Need For National Certification Programs

Earthsight has published fresh criticism against the EU’s plan to rely on green labels to stem deforestation in countries that export to the EU. Seen against the backdrop provided by Earthsight’s criticism of green labels and the Stockholm Environment Institute’s recommendations for ‘due diligence legislation’ the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil scheme stands out as a pioneer as a nationally mandated certification scheme.

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Lessons from Malaysian Palm Oil Farmers for the UNFSS

The United Nation’s Food Systems Summit will took place earlier this month. The vision of the summit according to its introduction is that:

The need is urgent, and our ambition is high. The UN Food Systems Summit will launch bold new actions, solutions and strategies to deliver progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each of which relies on healthier, more sustainable and more equitable food systems.

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Certification A Needed Element for Sustainable Land Use in Malaysia

Multiple certification schemes have existed to manage the sustainable production of Malaysian exports including timber, cocoa and rubber. The certification of palm oil under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil scheme (MSPO) is a late addition by comparison as Malaysia recognized a need to prove that its palm oil production was sustainably managed.

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