Embracing Change: The Second Cycle of MSPO Implementation
Written by Mohd Hasbollah Suparyono, MSPO
The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) is leading the way in embracing change as it gears up for the second cycle of MSPO implementation. Our strategic action plan focuses on developing a robust MSPO ecosystem and certification systems infrastructure, crucial in ensuring a sustainable and responsible palm oil industry. Let's dive into the key strategies of MSPO and our dedication to an efficient and transparent transition.
Navigating Complexities: The Second Cycle Challenge
As we embark on the second cycle, we are not just repeating past efforts but building on lessons learned, tackling new challenges, and expanding possibilities in sustainable and traceable palm oil. This evolution aims to amplify our sustainability impact, both locally and globally.
The Reality of Managing a Mandatory Scheme
Managing a mandatory sustainability certification scheme of this scale is complex and demanding. MSPO addresses these challenges by recognising that effective management requires a dynamic approach. It's not just about setting rules; it's about adopting a culture of sustainability, encouraging continuous improvement, and ensuring all stakeholders align with our vision.
Importance of Certification in the Oil Palm Industry and Relevance of MSPO
Certification in the oil palm industry serves as a crucial assurance for consumers and stakeholders that palm oil is produced responsibly. In an era where issues like deforestation, habitat destruction, and human rights violations dominate discussions about palm oil, certification provides a framework to address these concerns.
Inclusive and Comprehensive Engagement
The MSPO standards involve over 8,000 entities in Malaysia’s palm oil supply chain, including smallholders. Our approach is inclusive, ensuring no one is left behind. As we navigate the second cycle, our focus is on building upon lessons learned, addressing new challenges, and setting higher benchmarks to improve implementation.
Enhancing Capacities and Capabilities of MSPO Infrastructure
MSPO is intensifying efforts to boost auditor capacity and readiness of the Accredited Certification Bodies (ACBs). To maintain the integrity of MSPO standards compliance, we estimate that 3,000 to 4,000 audits will be conducted by the ACBs. This can be supported by expanding our pool of auditors from 200 to over 300. To train these auditors, we plan to work with at least ten endorsed training providers to run MSPO Lead Auditor Training. This extensive auditing process is critical to ensuring industry practices meet new sustainability benchmarks within the transition period.
Strengthening Oversight with Peer Reviewers and Assessors
To bolster the integrity and quality of the audit process, adding over 100 to 150 Peer Reviewers for reviewing audit reports is crucial. This increase will provide sufficient scrutiny to accommodate the growing number of audits. Furthermore, we expect to train approximately 300 assessors for High Conservation Value (HCV) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) to meet the new requirements in the revised standards.
As MSPO embarks on the second cycle of implementation, it does so with a clear, detailed, and robust plan. With this certification system infrastructure in place, MSPO is confident it can provide a smooth transition and avoid bottlenecks during the implementation process. This journey, while challenging, is a testament to the collective commitment and effort of the industry, government, and stakeholders. The second cycle of MSPO implementation is not just about meeting requirements; it’s about raising the bar and setting a global model for responsible palm oil production, a mission that MSPO is determined to lead with dedication and excellence.