e-MSPO Helpdesk
We are pleased to introduce the e-MSPO Helpdesk to assist our stakeholders. This helpdesk serves as a platform to provide support services and improve issue resolution efficiency for our e-MSPO users.
MSPO Email Domain Update: Transition from MPOCC to MSPO
MSPO now can be reached at @mspo.org.my instead of @mpocc.org.my
Do update your records accordingly to ensure seamless communication with our team
We truly appreciate your continued support and cooperation during the period of change
Welcoming our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
MSPO welcomes our new CEO, En. Mohamed Hafizin
Malaysia Committed to Sustainable Palm Oil Production
"Malaysia's palm oil sector adopts stringent sustainability standards through our sustainability certification scheme, the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)," - Johari
From NST, 27 September 2024