MSPO In A Deforestation-Free Palm Oil Supply Chain
Welcome to MSPO Blogs where current topics around certified sustainable palm oil are discussed within the context of Malaysian palm oil.
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How MSPO Protects Malaysia’s Rich Biodiversity
MSPO plays a vital role in preserving biodiversity in Malaysia with the introduction of High Conservation Value (HCV) guidelines to its stakeholders, emphasizing the biological, ecological, social, and cultural values in the palm oil industry.
Economic Benefits of Palm Oil: The 3P Concept
Palm oil is more than just produce, it is beneficial for the economy. The production of palm oil has doubled day by day and is expected to grow even more in the future as the world demands kept on increasing.
Principle 5 of The Revised MSPO Standards MS2530:2022 - Environment, Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystems services
Principle 5 is for the organisation to commit to environmental management, conservation and protection, prevention of pollution, optimising use of natural resources, and mitigating the impacts of global warming.
Spreading MSPO Awareness in The Philippines
MPOCC took the opportunity to spread MSPO awareness in the Philippines as the Philippines is the biggest Malaysian palm oil importer in the ASEAN region
Principle 4 of The Revised MSPO Standards MS2530:2022 - Responsible to Social, Health, Safety and Employment
Principle four emphasizes more to the social life of a person addresses the sustainability of maintaining workers’ social life sustainably, without prejudicing their rights as human beings and employees.
Say YES to Palm Oil
Palm oil is the most versatile vegetable oil compared to all the others. Various products are derived from palm oil and are beneficial for the human body.