Spreading MSPO Awareness in The Philippines
Written by Communications Department, MPOCC
MPOCC presented a paper at the Malaysia - Philippines Palm Oil Trade Fair & Seminar (POTS), with the theme ‘Addressing Philippines’ Oils & Fats Diversity through Malaysian Palm Oil’, organised by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) in Manila on 17 August 2022.
Mr. Mohd Hasbollah Suparyono, Senior Manager of MPOCC Strategic Management Department presented a paper on MSPO; The Way Forward. The paper highlighted MSPO as a sustainability driver, improved sustainability requirements in Economy, Social and Governance (ESG), and potential responsible and sustainable sourcing demand in the ASEAN market.
The paper received positive responses and feedback from over 400 of our counterparts in the Philippines.
The event was officiated by YB Datuk Hajah Zuraida Kamaruddin, Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia after the welcome speech by YB Tuan Larry Sng, Chairman of MPOC. YBrs. Puan Wan Aishah, CEO of MPOC presented a paper on ‘Growth Potential of Palm Oil in the Philippines’.
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Seminar for the Philippines Market in Cebu
MPOCC participated in MSPO for the Philippines Market in Cebu on 19 August 2022. The seminar was co-organised by MPOC and the Department of Trade Industries, Philippines. YBhg. Datuk Haji Daud Amatzin, CEO of MPOCC presented an introductory remark after the opening remarks by YBrs. Puan Wan Aishah Wan Hamid, CEO of MPOC, followed by welcome remarks from Madam Rose Mae M. Quiñanola, Provincial Director of DTI Cebu Provincial Office.
Mr. Mohd Hasbollah Suparyono, Senior Manager of MPOCC’s Strategic Management Department, presented ‘Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO): Supporting Sustainable Development Goals and Responsible Sourcing’. The other three papers were presented by Mr. Mohammad Hafezh Abd Rahman (MPOC), Ms. Rina Mariati Gustam (MPOC), and Mr. Johari Minal (MPOB).
YBrs. Puan Wan Aishah Wan Hamid, CEO of MPOC moderated the Q&A session before the event concluded at 2 pm.
MSPO Certified Products for the World
This is the first export shipment of palm oil from Malaysia that had been certified with MSPO and carried the MSPO logo on its product label