CLEAN POWER & NEW ENERGY FORUM 2021 - Embarking New Path Towards Future Sustainable Energy


CLEAN POWER & NEW ENERGY FORUM 2021 - Embarking New Path Towards Future Sustainable Energy

The CLEAN POWER & NEW ENERGY 2021 is an interactive and innovative platform, bringing together leading power and utility leaders, government decision makers, renewable energy companies, economists, financiers, and investors to discover how the economic, financial, and political framework for energy is evolving, and to assess the implications of growing renewable deployment for the future shape of the energy industry.

This Forum will engage 40+ outstanding and well-known Energy Expert Speakers for a day of conversation, followed by a post-conference Workshop to shed a light on how Malaysia and its organisations can shift toward a greener and new energy implementation. An interactive post-conference workshop will follow to provide attendees with deep learning on how organisations can follow through with Malaysia’s sustainable energy goal and the challenges faced with implementing them.

Key Highlights:

  •  How Malaysia can improve and compete in the global race

  •  Why the equator is an advantageous location when it comes to solar power

  •  The role of untapped potentials in Biomass & Biogas

  •  Making Energy smarter with Digitalisation

  •  Advancing Malaysia’s Energy Transformation towards the Future

  •  Reforming and financing as the way forward for Malaysia’s Energy Market and more

Do not miss out on this opportunity to learn about what is coming up in the industry.

Register now, the seats are limited

More Info and registration at:

Event Website:


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