MSPO In A Deforestation-Free Palm Oil Supply Chain

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Criticism on Green Labels Shows Need For National Certification Programs

Earthsight has published fresh criticism against the EU’s plan to rely on green labels to stem deforestation in countries that export to the EU. Seen against the backdrop provided by Earthsight’s criticism of green labels and the Stockholm Environment Institute’s recommendations for ‘due diligence legislation’ the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil scheme stands out as a pioneer as a nationally mandated certification scheme.

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Net Zero Palm Oil Malaysia

As the debates around COP26 rages on what countries and what industries should be doing more to stop the natural disasters caused by climate change, there has been a new surge of pledges by both countries and companies towards a net zero goal.

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9 UNSDG Goals Reinforced by MSPO

The increasing adoption of the MSPO certification scheme strengthens Malaysia's potential to work towards achieving all the goals within the UNSDG. The five principles of the Revised MSPO Standards MS2530:2022 are designed to provide a balance between the need for sustainability and economic growth.

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