Notification of Revised Transition Plan for the use of MSPO Standard (MS2530:2022 Series)
This updated version supersedes the 22 March 2022 transition plan.
We would like to notify that the transition plan has been rescheduled from 1st July 2022 until 31st December 2023 to 1st August 2023 until 31st December 2024.
MSPO Briefing 2023
MPOCC will be conducting the MSPO briefing for the palm oil industry; the briefing is open to organised smallholders under government agencies, oil palm plantations, palm oil mills, processing facilities, and dealers.
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil For The South Korean Market
The Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) is organising a seminar entitled ‘Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil for the South Korean Market’, with the aim of sharing the industry’s objectives, principles, advantages, and role in meeting sustainability requirements, as well as supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Public Comment and Briefing on Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Calculator for the MSPO Standards (MS2530:2022)
The MS 2530:2022 standard series and the MS2751:2022 contain requirements for all certified entities to be aware of and/or conduct greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments. This is in line with
contributing to the national commitment to climate change, where all actors along the value chain shall identify the sources of GHG emissions, monitor, and plan for reductions, whenever applicable.
Update on MSPO Briefing 2022 - Terengganu & Melaka
Please be informed that due to unforeseen circumstances, MSPO Briefing in Melaka and Negeri Sembilan will be combined into one and will be held in Bandaraya Melaka. Meanwhile, the venue for MSPO Briefing in Terengganu is shifted to Kuala Terengganu.
The Launching of SIA Guidelines & Approach for the MSPO Standards
The MS2530:2022 requires that MSPO certified organisations to conduct a social impact assessment (SIA) to assess the positive and negative social impacts of its operations to the surrounding community. This assessment is to be guided by the SIA Guidelines which was being developed by MPOCC together with the industry experts.